Brock's favorite songs

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My Igloo

My Igloo

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Check out this cool website. It's called chobots

Click HERE to go to the Chobots website
chobotcafestYou can buy cool suits if you're a citizen.


This is my family. (all me)

funkymonkey11sfamily This is the first part of my house.


This is the second part of my house.


This is my wardrobe.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hidden Items


These are where to click on places and secret items will pop up.

stpatricks  penguinplayawards



club clothes

clearance r

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Clubpenguin Secrets

There are some secrets around Clubpenguin.

If your penguin is a ninja, there is a secret ninja hideout at the Dojo Courtyard on the side with the stones on the ground, fallow them to the stone door

As far as I know, there are three games you can play with your puffles.

If you have a red puffle, you can go surfing with it unless you choose survival.

If you have a pink puffle, you can play aqua grabber with it.

If you have a purple puffle, you can compete in a dance contest with it.